Your Guide to Thyroid Conditions and Hair Loss (What Can You Do?)
Dec 18, 2019
3 min read

Almost everyone experiences hair loss at some point in their lives. Hair loss can originate from genetics or even medical conditions such as thyroid disease.
Who knew that such a tiny gland in the body could have an effect on your hair. Your thyroid gland although small is mighty. In fact, any malfunctioning of the thyroid affects your entire body, including the growth of your hair, which can lead to hair loss. As undesirable as hair loss may be, it is not hopeless and this is one battle thyroid will not win! Let's take a look at why thyroid disease causes hair loss and what you can do to reclaim your full head of hair!
What is the Thyroid Gland?
Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is situated in your neck, below your Adam's apple, along the front of the windpipe that is a part of the endocrine system. This very important gland is responsible for secreting several hormones including the most important thyroid hormone called thyroxine or T4. The hormones released by the thyroid gland affect metabolism and body temperature. In infants and children, it also plays a crucial role in growth and development.
The Thyroid Gland and Hair Loss
Before we approach the subject of how the thyroid gland can cause hair loss, it is important to understand how hair grows. Believe it or not, hair actually grows in a cycle. Each follicle goes through a growing phase and a resting phase. At any given time, the majority of your hair is in a growing phase while the remainder is in the resting phase.Your hair grows from the root at the bottom of each hair follicle and blood vessels create new cell growth which makes the hair grow. The hair then pushes up through the skin and passes through an oil gland to protect the hair.
Thyroid Conditions That Affect Hair Loss
Hypothyroidism - This condition is also known as an underactive thyroid gland because the gland doesn't secrete enough of the thyroid hormones. If left untreated this condition can lead to obesity, joint pain, infertility, and cardiovascular disease.
Hyperthyroidism - This is a thyroid condition also known as overactive thyroid that is characterized by an overproduction of thyroid hormones. It can cause your metabolism to speed up as well as contribute to a fast or irregular heartbeat.
Thyroid disease is the collective term used to refer to both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and can be the culprit of hair loss. Hair loss due to thyroid disease is often seen in those who have prolonged thyroid disease.
Why Does Thyroid Disease Cause Hair Loss?
When the thyroid hormones are disrupted, it affects the development of the hair at the root. This means that when a hair falls out, it may not be replaced by new hair. The result is a thinning across the scalp. Hair loss associated with thyroid disease tends to be characterized by a uniform loss of hair as opposed to patchy areas of hair loss.
Hair Restoration Solutions for Hair Loss
Whether you are a man or a woman, if you are experiencing hair loss due to thyroid disease, hope is far from lost! Hair restoration solutions will not only help you achieve a full head of hair you can be proud of but give you the look you've always wanted! Here at New Look Institute, we understand that one size does not fit all. This is why we offer a variety of hair restoration and regrowth solutions to fit your needs! Contact us today for more information and to schedule your FREE hair analysis!