The Real Truth Behind Baldness and Whether or Not It Skips a Generation
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The Real Truth Behind Baldness and Whether or Not It Skips a Generation

When you begin to experience hair loss, it can be based on a variety of factors. There are many myths and theories about the source of baldness, like too much rubbing and genes skipping generations. But what is true and what is false? What is the real source of hair loss? We're here to help you understand hair loss, why it may be affecting you, and what you can do about it.

"Does Baldness Skip a Generation?" and Other Common Theories About Hair Loss

Here are some common theories associated with hair loss:

• Baldness skips a generation.
• Hair loss only happens to "older" people.
• Rubbing, toweling, or wearing hats can stop hair from growing in.
• Only people with certain genes on the maternal side experience hair loss.
• Hair can be made stronger and thicker through more-frequent haircuts.
• Nothing can be done about hair loss.

What Really Causes Baldness and Hair Loss?

Each day, we naturally lose up to 100 hairs. This is a natural process for our hair that helps keep it healthy and continuously growing. But when your hair does not grow back as quickly as it comes in, the hair loss starts to become more noticeable. There can be a variety of reasons and factors that this growth ratio is thrown off-balance, including:


It has often been theorized that baldness and hair loss is inherited through your genes. For most people, this is actually true. The root of this genetic disposition is not necessarily based on your mother's genes or what generation of your family you are in, however. Studies have shown that male pattern baldness is what is responsible for the majority of hair loss cases. Male pattern baldness is typically triggered by the inability of hair-making cells in your body to develop and function as they should. And it usually triggers a common response in most people: a progressive thinning that begins with a receding hairline that slowly stretches back to the crown.

Stress and Anxiety

Certain anxiety and stress disorders, like trichotillomania, can cause hair loss. This particular stress disorder forces a person to perform personal-damage to their own hair. In addition to disorders like trichotillomania, chronic stress, anxiety, and depression have been shown to reduce the quality of nutrients and vitamins in the body that are required to grow healthy hair. When your body is unhealthy, hair follicles may not be receiving the proper nutrients it needs to grow back after it's lost.

Alopecia and Scalp/Skin Conditions

Some may experience hair loss because of medical reasons. For people who must take certain drugs and medications, or receive chemotherapy and radiation treatments, hair loss may be imminent. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that forces your body to attack its own follicles responsible for hair growth. The loss with this condition typically comes in patches, rather than a slow progression. Other conditions related to the scalp, allergies, or the skin may also contribute to your body's inability to grow hair.

Solutions for Baldness

There is currently no "cure" for hair loss or baldness. There are, however, a variety of options and solutions to help. Today's technology and innovative advances allow for hair loss specialists to help with hair loss and baldness, by augmenting or replacing thinning hair, as well as preserve the natural hair you still have. These replacement systems provide long-lasting results with options like medical-grade prosthesis and all-natural, custom designs for partial hair-loss, as well as the entire head.

For more on hair loss and finding the solution that would suit your needs the best, contact our trusted and knowledgeable staff here at the New Look Institute to set up your consultation! We've been helping people find custom hair-loss solutions for almost 20 years!