How Chlorine Is Affecting Your Brunette Hair
06 / 28 / 16

How Chlorine Is Affecting Your Brunette Hair

Everyone knows that pool water can turn blonde hair green, but it’s not just blondes that need to protect their hair before swimming. If you have brunette hair, chlorine can damage your strands and leave them drier, frizzier and lighter than before. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to protect and nourish your hair, so you can enjoy plenty of pool time this summer. If you’re already experiencing hair loss, there are proven solutions.

Why Chlorine Affects Hair

Chlorine causes hair damage because it strips the natural oils, called sebum, off the surface of your hair. In healthy hair, sebum coats the outer surface of the hair shaft. Without this oil, the surface cracks and causes the hair to become frizzy and dry. Chlorine can also cause split ends from repeated exposure and lighten your hair color.

Because chlorine opens the surface of the hair shaft, it allows hard minerals to cling to each strand. It’s the presence of these minerals, not chlorine that causes green hair in blondes. However, if you have lighter brunette strands or highlights, you may also notice a green cast in your hair.

How to Protect Your Hair From Chlorine Damage

The best possible way to prevent hair damage is to use a swim cap, so your hair never comes in contact with heavily chlorinated water. The next best solution is to coat your hair with a conditioner or serum before swimming to prevent your hair from losing oil. There are specially formulated serums that protect your hair from chlorine damage, so if you’re a regular swimmer, you might want to invest in one. Otherwise, any heavy conditioner will work.

If you have an opportunity to swim, but don’t have any conditioner on hand, wet your hair before swimming. The water will help prevent your hair from absorbing the chlorine.

Fixing Chlorine Hair Damage

Once you’ve noticed any chlorine damage, act immediately by using daily leave-in conditioner and a weekly hair mask to deposit moisture that will stay on the hair shaft. Also skip the styling products and harsh shampoos that have ingredients, which can further damage hair.

If you’re showing signs of color damage, or your hair still smells like chlorine after washing it, look for a specialty shampoo made for swimmers. Manufacturers formulate these shampoos to remove chlorine and mineral deposits from the hair. Apply the shampoo according to the instructions, and then finish with a rich conditioner to mitigate any lasting damage. Use these shampoos sparingly because they’re harsh on your hair.

Chlorine damage can ruin your locks, but a few minutes of prep beforehand will protect your hair from damage. Just keep some conditioner or a swim cap on hand so you can enjoy the pool without worry.

If you’re suffering from hair loss the pool might be the last place you want to go. Don’t let another summer go by without taking action. There are non-surgical hair loss solutions. We invite you to meet privately with a professional New Look Institute hair restoration specialist and get all your hair loss questions answered. To schedule a free consultation contact us today.


Photo Credit: fervent-adepte-de-la-mode Via Flickr Creative Commons