What can my wife do about her Alopecia Areata
02 / 22 / 15

What Can My Wife Do About Her Alopecia Areata

We received an email from Tom who was curious about which solutions were available for his wife. Below you can read his question and our response to him.



My wife has been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. She started loosing hair almost a year ago. We tried the steroid injections with little improvement. About 80% of what she lost has come back, but has come back without color. She still has a large area with no signs of growth. Is there any treatment your office could recommend and/or provide to help her?

Thank you for your time.



Dear Tom

You are sweet to be trying to help your wife.

There is no one effective answer to Alopecia except a state of the art hair restoration option. There are a few options that your wife could go with. We would know the best option by doing a scalp and hair analysis, which we would be willing to do for free. She could go with one of the following solutions, Virtuesse Hair Replacement Solutions for Women, CRLAB (formerly known as Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories) custom female hair replacement, Custom Design Non-Surgical Hair System, or an Alopecia Medical Wig.

Please let us know if there are any other questions you may have. Thanks, and good luck.


If you have a question about your thinning or hair loss, contact us today!