The Different Types of Alopecia and Solutions
08 / 28 / 18

The Different Types of Alopecia and Solutions

Alopecia is a word many people are hearing today. Basically, the word means hair loss. What people don't know are the different types of Alopecia, and how it happens. It isn't just one single condition. It covers several different conditions that cause hair loss for people. It is important to know the factors that cause it as well. People also need to know the solutions available.

Androgenic Alopecia

This is the scientific name for genetic hair loss. Many people still refer to it as male/female pattern baldness. This is the most common form of hair loss for most people. For those with thinning hair, it is a safe bet the cause is Androgenic Alopecia. It accounts for 90 percent of hair loss for men.

In men, the hair loss starts above the temples. Over time, a noticeable, "U shape," is formed as the hair continues to recede. The hair also disappears from the crown, or top, of the head. This process continues through life and can lead to partial or complete baldness.

In women, this type of hair loss is different, though it affects a number of women. When women have the condition, the hair thins all over the head equally. The hair line does not recede for women in most cases. It is also very unusual for total baldness to occur.

Alopecia Areata

This condition is one many people will think of when they hear the word, Alopecia. This is due to media attention on actors who experience this. Alopecia Areata shows as patchy hair loss on the scalp. This continues around the scalp in various locations.

This type of Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder. The body's natural defenses attack hair follicles as invading bodies. This in turn damages healthy hair follicles, and leads to hair loss. Although not much is known about the condition, stress has been commonly tied to this condition.

Alopecia Totalis/Universalis

This problem starts, many times, as Alopecia Areata. Most notice small patches of hair loss over time. The difference is this continues until the scalp is completely free of hair. Sometimes it starts and happens quite rapidly.

Alopecia Universalis is a continuation of Totalis. This can lead to hair loss of the eyebrows and around the face. In the most extreme cases, it leads to hair loss on the body. Though not as common, it is an issue some develop.

Like Alopecia Areata, doctors and scientists aren't completely certain what the cause is. They know that it is an autoimmune disorder. The inflammation caused by the response destroys the follicles. However, they still aren't sure why the body reacts this way yet.

Other Factors

The causes of hair loss are not just genetic or autoimmune. Other factors play an important role with hair loss. Poor diet and supplementation lead to vitamin deficiency. This can contribute hair loss. Poor hygiene, such as not washing and combing regularly also speeds up hair loss. Using too many chemicals in your hair routine can impact your hair. Scalp conditions, rashes, and allergies can also to hair loss.


At New Look Institute, we start with an evaluation by our in-house expert, we can pinpoint specific causes of your hair loss. Whether it is an oily scalp, or localized hair loss, we work to find the cause of the hair loss. After an evaluation, we work to find the solution that works best for you. Solutions may include a change in diet, topical solutions, or even using laser hair growth therapy. At New Look Hair Institute, we have a number of solutions to work for you. Set up a free consultation, contact us, and let us help you.