Notes from Our Clients
04 / 18 / 14

Notes from Our Clients

The other day we received an email from a dear client with a concern and some questions. “First of all,” she started, “I want to thank you for the extra attention you always seem to give me when I experience any problems with my units. You are very thoughtful and professional. Thank you for this.” Before closing her email, she touched our hearts even more, continuing, “Thank you for listening to me again and for putting up with me. You are not only a professional to me, but a good friend.”

Notes from our clients like this, people like this, having an impact like this – these are the most gratifying parts of our work here at New Look Institute. Our client relationships are a top priority; hair restoration is about much more than follicles. In truth, notes like this from clients are not rare. They are, however, unique and special to us every time we receive one, and we count ourselves extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to play this role in the lives of the wonderful women and men we work with.

A few of the touching notes we’ve received recently from clients...



