Hair Extensions and New Look Institute: Show Your Beauty
09 / 30 / 13

Hair Extensions and New Look Institute: Show Your Beauty

Many men and women suffer from hair loss, but it’s not necessarily the loss of hair that makes someone wear a wig or hairpiece. Many people today are choosing to wear wigs or hair extensions simply to achieve the look they want. In fact, it’s becoming more and more popular, not only with the everyday people, but also with celebrities!

The days of wigs and hairpieces that fit poorly and look fake are gone. With 21st century technology and the increasing demand for hair solutions, the market is growing continually with better products and solutions for you.

Follea is one of these amazing brands. New Look Institute in San Jose is proud to carry Follea and offers solutions for hair loss, extensions, fashion, hairpieces, wigs and special occasions.

“Women love to play, reinvent themselves, switch personalities. Mysterious or exuberant, reserved or sexy, natural or sophisticated. Having fun is a way of life. Being different, a game...Every woman is a natural artist. Her hair is her canvas. Straight or curly, long or short, blond or brunette: the only limit is her imagination. And today this landscape has been expanded. A new generation of hair creations is carrying women into new and beautiful territory. The company behind these fabulous designs? Follea.”

One of Follea’s main advantages is that all the products are made from 100% natural human hair that is imported from Europe. There is also a wide range of colors to ensure that, with the assistance of the professionals at New Look Institute, you can have the perfect shade. The 30 different base colors are customizable to your perfect look with highlights and low lights. Anything that can be done to your original hair can be done to Follea products, because they are natural.

If you are interested in achieving a new look or enhancing your current beauty, New Look Institute has a wide range of solutions for men and women. Our experts have helped countless people highlight and compliment their great features with the correct hair solution for you.

To learn more about hair extensions, contact the team at New Look Institute for a free, private consultation.