Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?
05 / 06 / 19

Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss?

Dandruff is what happens when tiny pieces of your scalp start sloughing off. The bits of skin catch in your hair follicles, making it appear that you're either not washing your hair or that you've developed some sort of skin condition. One out of every five people in the United States suffers from dandruff at any given time.

What Causes Dandruff

One of the more common misconceptions about dandruff is that it's caused when you don't wash your hair frequently enough. The truth is that no one knows exactly why some people struggle with dandruff while others never develop a flakey scalp. What we do know is that there are a few things that increase the odds of developing dandruff, including:

  • Having a certain type of skin
  • Using some hair treatments that can trigger dry, flakey skin
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Malassezia fungus

The Connection Between Dandruff and Hair Loss

Strictly speaking, dandruff does not cause you to experience hair loss. However, if your scalp is so dry and flakey that you can't stop scratching it, the constant friction damages your hair follicles, causing your hair to grow increasingly thinner.

The reason for you dandruff can also make it seem like the dandruff is leading to hair loss. For example, if you have dandruff that's linked to psoriasis, it's highly likely that you're experiencing hair loss. In the case of psoriasis, the hair loss is connected to both the constant itching and stress the condition causes.

How Dry Shampoos Help With Dandruff

One of the concerns people have is that the dry shampoo they're using causes dandruff. First, there's a good chance that the flakes you're noticing aren't actually dandruff flakes, but actually tiny bits of the dry shampoo. Second, there's no indication that there's a link between the occasional use of dry shampoo and developing dandruff. However, if you only use dry shampoo for an extended period of time, you're depriving both your scalp and hair of important nutrients and moisture, which can result in dandruff.

New Look Institute Helps With Dandruff, Hair Loss, and Overall Scalp Health

If you're worried that either your dandruff or hair loss is a sign of serious scalp problems, it's in your best interest to contact the New Look Institute and discuss the various treatment plans they offer.

Free Hair Loss Analysis

It doesn't matter if you're concerned about dandruff or have a different scalp health worry, the New Look Institute's free hair loss analysis eases your concerns. Our hair loss analysis makes use of the latest developments and technological improvements trichology has to offer and is conducted by our in-house, fully licensed trichology practitioner.

The free analysis provides you with detailed information about the overall health of your scalp and hair follicles. Based on this information, we work closely with you to create a plan that not only helps you treat your dandruff, but also drastically improves the overall health of your scalp. Through our trichology services, we regularly help individuals who struggle with:

  • Scaly plaque on scalp
  • Seasonal hair loss
  • Hair that has lost its shine
  • Dandruff
  • An excessive degree of scalp sebum
  • Itchy scalp
  • Scalp inflammation
  • Problems connected to an oily scalp

Hair Loss Solution

No matter what the reason is for you hair loss, New Look Institute is ready and willing to help restore your hair to it's former, thick, glory. We offer a variety of hair loss solutions and happily offer suggestions about which solution will best resolve your hair loss issue. Our hair loss treatments include:

Worried about your recent hair loss? Contact the New Look Institute to learn how we can restore your hair to its former glory.