A Busy Life May Cause Hair Loss in Women
05 / 26 / 15

A Busy Life May Cause Hair Loss in Women

In the U.S. approximately 66% of women work more than 40 hours per week. Add family and daily household maintenance to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for stress. We know the obvious side effects of stress like high blood pressure, fatigue, or even serious heart conditions but one side effect that can blindside a woman is hair loss.

Androgenetic Alopecia is a hair loss condition caused by genetics and can be fought, slowed down, or covered up, but it cannot be cured. Men typically suffer from this condition, but women’s hair loss is less likely to be a genetic issue. Which is good news for women and when stress is the root of the problem, getting immediate treatment will increase your chances of successfully reversing hair loss.

If you feel your hair loss is due to stress, there is hope but you need to start taking care of yourself. Be selfish once in awhile. No matter what your life situation is, be sure to allow you some “me” time. Find something you love to do and make a point to do it. A healthy diet and exercise are also beneficial to growing a healthy head of hair.

In addition to taking care of you, be sure to see a hair restoration expert and book a hair analysis consultation. At New Look Institute we offer Laser Hair Loss Treatment Therapy. It is a proven treatment that can stop hair loss and reverse the look of thinning hair. This physician-approved method rejuvenates hair by safely stimulating hair follicles with therapeutic low level lasers. Take the time to treat yourself and contact us today.


Photo Credit:le temple du chemisier via Flickr Creative Commons